4earsExperience Centre

Come see us at our facilities to experience the potential applications of Immersive Audio in real life.
Hearing is believing. That is why we built our 4ears Immersive Audio Experience Centre.

Book your visit here

Experience Centre

Come see us at our facilities to experience the potential applications of Immersive Audio in real life.
Hearing is believing. That is why we built our 4ears Immersive Audio Experience Centre.

Book your visit here

What started out as a smart-lab to experiment with the d&b Soundscape technology, today is a fully operational Immersive Audio processing studio. In addition, we set up a larger event room to facilitate large-scale live production testing. But of course the set-up is completely mobile and can be tested and operated at any location.


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About Immersive Audio(I.A.)

Immersive Audio seeks to complement and intensify the audio experience for its intended audience. Both technology and expert operational know-how are involved to achieve this.

Immersive Audio technology works by influencing sound levels & directions. It is mainly used as a sound effect, manipulating and arranging complex sound projections, in relation to the space in which it is experienced.

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Soundscape in relation to ‘traditional’ audio projection

Immersive Audio offers a wider array of options than a traditional audio projection, by purposely directing movement of sound through space. Below you can find some examples.

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Traditional audio projection: Live event audio is traditionally projected from the front-centre of a stage. The best levelled sound is experienced when located in a direct line between centre-stage and the location of the front-of-house mixing desk (often but not always in-line with centre-stage).

Immersive Audio projection 180°: Using Immersive Audio technology, a 180° projection offers the right audio experience wherever you are standing in the room, perpendicularly to the front stage line. Meaning you will hear the same projection of the source, whether you are standing central, far left or far right in the room.

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Immersive Audio projection 360°: This is the next-generation audio equivalent of surround audio. An infrastructure that allows projecting at 360° provides even more freedom, enabling sound to seemingly move diagonally or circularly through space in a live audio environment.

Don’t hesitate to book a call to discuss your project. We are happy to advise.

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